
Primeval focuses on environmental sustainability by usingorganic materials. By adhering to organic standards, we minimize the use ofchemicals and harmful substances, reducing the ecological footprint of ourproducts.


Primeval demonstrates social responsibility by prioritizingthe well-being of children. Our dedication to providing safe and non-irritatingclothing and bedding options caters to children with skin sensitivities.Additionally, by offering GOTS and OCS certified organic products, Primevalsupports fair trade practices and ensures the fair treatment of workersinvolved in the supply chain.


Primeval upholds good governancepractices by adhering to strict organic standards and certifications such asGOTS and OCS. These certifications ensure transparency, accountability, andtraceability throughout our production processes.

Primeval's commitment to organic excellence, sustainability, and socialresponsibility is evident in our focus on using organic materials, minimizingthe use of harmful chemicals, supporting fair trade practices, and adhering tostrict certifications. Our dedication to transparency, accountability, andtraceability ensures that our products meet the highest industry standards fororganic quality and safety.